FutureEd Corporation Ltd. is an education, training and research organization in Bangladesh. Established in 2009 by its Managing Director AmeerY. Khan, FUTUREed has a long history of achievement in the fields of student placement, vocational education & training and job placement.
- 1998: CSCL, a leading student recruiting firm in Bangladesh was established
by AmeerY Khan. - 1998: UK Center for Education, a reputed English study and IELTS
preparation center, was established by AmeerY. Khan. - 1998: UK Center for Education, a reputed English study and IELTS
preparation center, was established by AmeerY. Khan. - 2005: IOTA Management Consulting Ltd., headed by AmeerY. Khan, was
established. - 2005 IOTA M C l i L d d Dh k C f 2005: IOTA Management Consulting Ltd. operated Dhaka Campus of
Kangan Batman TAFE, Australia. - 2006: IOTA Manag gp p ement Consulting Ltd. operated Dhaka Campus of
Southern University Chittagong and ran its business education. - 2009: FutureEd Corporation Ltd. was established.